04. RIS3Mur Methodology
Methodological drafting and development process
RIS3Mur design and development is based on two key documents: “RIS3 key to self-assessment” and “Guide for RIS3 implementation” of the European Union.
RIS3Mur was developed considering the principles of participative governance proposed by the European Commission. The design process stems from joint reflection and consensus between key STES stakeholders and partners. To do that, three Committees (Steering, Executive and Technical) and a Work Group with a Technical Secretariat, were created.
Steering Committee
Regional Ministry and the treasury
Regional Ministry of industry, business and innovation
Chairman’s Office
Regional Federation of Business Organisations in Murcia
Public Universities of Murcia
Executive Committee
Murcia Goverment DGs in the area of R&D
Regional Development Agency of Murcia
Institute for Tourism
Murcia institute for food ann agricultural research and development.
Regional Federation of Business Organisations in Murcia
Technical Committee
Murcia Goverment DGs in the area of R&D
Regional Development Agency of Murcia
Regional Federation of Business Organisations in Murcia
Murcia institute for food and agricultural research
Seneca Foundation
Integra Foundation
Foundation for Health Training and Research
Network of Technology Centers
Work Group
Murcia Goverment DG’s in the area of R&D
Regional development agency of Murcia
DG for assets, IT and Telecommunications
Reference entrepeneurs and researchers
Regional Federation for Business Organisations in Murcia
Network of Technology Centers
Science and Technology parks
Innovative Business clusters
European innovation and Business Centers
Campus Mare Nostrum Coordinator.
Analysis of socioeconomic, business and R&D context in the Region of Murcia.
The initial exercise was to characterize the STES and the innovation potential of the Region of Murcia. A large part of the socioeconomic information was obtained from the General Diagnostics of the 2014‐2020 Strategic Plan for the Region of Murcia, with the idea of ensuring both strategies were based on a common starting point.
In order to analyze academic and research aspects of the system, a work table and a process for consultation with 60 researchers, technologists and managers in the field of research excellence, were put together.
With the aim to obtain information on the Region’s business vision, potential, current and future technological perspectives and prioritization of business fields, thirteen tables were organized including the participation of 110 business people and representatives from intermediate bodies (business associations, innovative business groups, technology centers, European Business and Innovation Centers of Murcia and Cartagena, etc.). Nine of these tables focused on sectoral aspects and four on cross-functional issues (ICTs, entrepreneurs, clusters and business multisectors).
Throughout the RIS3Mur development process, eleven meetings of the committees comprising the governance structure, were held.
Integrated information comprising the perspective of researchers, business people, institutions and citizens, together with socio-economic analysis data on the Region and the 2014‐2020 Strategic Regional Plan, was summarized in specific SWAT analyses and the RIS3Mur SWAT. This resulted in a shared vision proposal.
The integrated document was presented and discussed in the Entrepreneurship Board, advisory and coordination body in the field of SME and entrepreneur support and assistance policies, as well as in the Regional Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, advisory body for the Governing Board and Regional Administration in the field of science, technology and innovation policies.
Strategic objectives
- Promote knowledge creation and transfer
- Foster entrepreneurship and business creation, drawing on knowledge
- Strengthen human resources specialisation and training
- Support the knowledge and economic capabilities of the Region of Murcia and
- its integration into the global economy
- Promote cooperative, multidisciplinary R&D between all public and private stakeholders
- Favor network creation and participation
- Foster social innovation and an innovative culture